Posted on January 17th, 2023 @ 02:55pm

One of the verse in Charak Samhita states that,
दीर्घमायुर्यशःस्वास्थ्यं त्रिवर्गंचापिपुष्कलम् |
सिद्धिंचानुत्तमांलोकेप्राप्नोतिविधिनापठन् ||
- चरक संहिता सिद्धिस्थान १२/३५

By the systematic study of this treatise (Charak Samhita) a person achieves deerghayu (longevity), yasha (fame), swasthya (health), trivarga (dharma, artha and kama /the three basic desires of life) and pushkala (moksha / salvation) as well as siddhi (professional accomplishment) also in this world.

Charaka Samhita is the oldest and the authentic treatise on Ayurveda and is the ancient medical science of India. Apart from giving information on medical conditions and their treatment; it also gives the key to maintaining the health of a healthy person.

As we know Acharya Charaka has made a great contribution to Ayurveda, to pay the gratitude to his work the Samhita Siddhant Department organized Quiz competition ‘AYURBODH 2022’ for ACH students on 2nd August 2022 on the occasion of Charak Jayanti in collaboration with Dravyaguna and Rasashastra Department. Students participated with great enthusiasm. Total no. of 66 students participated in this event. Various rounds were conducted in this Quiz competition like MCQs, Identification round, Rapid fire, Shloka completion etc.

Dr. C. M. Vaghani (Principal & Hospital Superintendent) & Dr. Ragesh T. H. (HOD - Dept. of Roga Nidan) were the Judges, who guided all the students throughout the entire competition. The Madhav group - (Shukla Janki, Pujara Deesha, Padaliya Mansi, Patil Hetal) & Hemadri group -(Gohel Meera, Solanki Devangi, Chhaiya Mansi, Chaudhari Tinkal) were the winner & runner up of this Quiz Competition.They won the prizes for this competition.

Dr. Manoj Pande, Dr. Dipa Rananavare, Dr. Shweta Shetty, Dr. Nikita Pamnani, Dr. Milind Chatrabhuji & other faculties of RK University Ayurvedic College & Hospital worked hard for the success of this event.